Lynden Christian School Safety & Standard Response Protocol
Lynden Christian School is committed to creating a safe environment for our students, staff, families, and community. We want all members of our learning community to feel safe at school. In order to achieve this, we are implementing the I Love U Guys Foundation Standard Response Protocol and Reunification Process. (NOTE: in case of an emergency situation on campus, please do not call or come to the school unless instructed to do so. School personnel will communicate important information via Parent Alert text, email, and on this page.)
Lynden Christian School, along with the Lynden Police Department, Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office, and all school districts in the county, are implementing Standard Response Protocol (SRP). A benefit of Standard Response Protocol is creating a uniform class and school response to an incident. Whether the incident is weather-related, a fire, accident, intruder, or another safety scenario, staff and students will be trained and ready to respond appropriately.
SRP is not based on one individual scenario but on the response to any given scenario. It uses the same standard language that first responders use. This protocol allows for a predictable series of actions as an unpredictable event unfolds. We encourage you to become familiar with this protocol and terminology and discuss them with your students. For more information, please contact the Central Office at (360) 318-9525 Option 4.

Additional Resources:
Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Informational Video:
Middle/High School Student Training Video:
Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Actions Poster:

Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Parent Handout: